Finished the first stage of Emprendimiento's Internal Contest in the Technical State University of the Carchi, in which they informed 82 projects of students and teachers, the Commission of organizing Emprendimiento of the event, proclaimed the results of 20 projects that go on to the second and definitive stage: six of infirmary, two of Integral Agricultural Development, five of Exterior Trade, five of Administration of companies and two of teachers. Héctor Chuquín, coordinator of the commission, assured that the reception of the university community exceeded the expectations and satisfaction exists for the participation. To the moment they are 20 the projects that they must be extended in your plans censor appeared to the exhibition before the court next April.
From 20 projects, in agreement to the bases of the contest, they will be five the winning ones, emphasizing that the first prize for the winners will be a technical tour to Cali, besides prizes automanaged across the private company. Chuquín highlighted that for this first selection, the process of exhibitions of the projects focused in the business ideas, whereas for the second stage the selected projects will have to extend his structure including the business plan in format SENPLADES, since the court will increase the rigor and will be included jurors of the private company. It is necessary to emphasize that the premiación of the winning projects will carry out in the solemn session for the sixth anniversary of the university, to developing next April 20.